Subject: Re: drivers for 5380/9224 on KA410/KA43 (rather long)
To: Michael Sokolov <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
From: Jacob H. Suter <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/15/1998 19:26:09
> > [...] and then refrain from posting to
> > this list again. You would be doing us all a great service.
>                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>    To you maybe, but not to the poor guy who has just acquired a VAX that
> is not very well supported by NetBSD and is asking this list for help,
> SIMPLY UNAWARE of the fact that he can spend as little as $100 on a license
> and get much better support for his hardware.

#1 - Some of us have actually gone through puberty, and are "done" with
BSD 4.3.

#2 - Go advertise for SCO on another list.

#3 - Piss off

#4 - I will take the personal liberty of unsubscribing you from this
list since you apparently still haven't figured out how.  Go set up your
own mailing list to spew your drivel on.

Jacob Suter