Subject: (fwd) DEC PDP-11s, UNIX SW & docs, antiques, etc.
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gordon Zaft <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/13/1998 16:16:04
	I've snipped this to things that might be of interest to PDP and
retrocomputing types.
>                   1. SOUND EQUIPMENT
>                   2. COMPUTER ANTIQUES (CORE memory, etc.)
>                   3. COMPUTER EQUIPMENT (IBM style; non-IBM style)
>                   4. OFFICE EQUIPMENT and FURNITURE (Fireproof Cab)
>                   5. MISC. (Tools, Elec.Test Equip.,Bikes,Backpack)
>                   6. BUILDING MATERIALS and TOOLS
>                   7. THINGS I WANT TO BUY / TRADE FOR
>REPLY TO:  From: Chris Bristol,a private party.
>  All items are in Los Angeles, CA, USA.  Reason for sale: moving
>  overseas.  All prices are very negotiable, and trades possible.
>* MOSTLY OLD DEC PDP-11 STYLE:   ******************************
>  DEC PDP-11/34A with BIG Tape and Disk (6 ft high 1978 computer,
>    cost $25,000) with RT-11 & optional Unix SW,  working, $200 
>  DEC PDP 11/45 w BIG tape & disc, 1973 6ft high computer, cost
>    $40,000, w/RT-11 & UNIX software/UNIX license, 16 timeshare
>    ports (DH11), $200
>  EMULEX disk controller board for DEC-11 or VAX, model SC21/B1,
>    new $4,500, still unused in box, with SMD cables, $100 
>  COMPUTER TERMINAL, "dumb terminal", nice black and white display,
>    high resolution, VT-100 emulation. (This is not a monitor, and
>    not IBM or Mac compatible.)  Detached keyboard, from 1985,
>    pretty, with manuals, $60.
>  DISK DRIVE, old removable, model CDC 9762, 80MB "hatbox" disk pack
>    included, pack cleaned and tested, with two sets of SMD cables
>    if you want, a little smaller than a washing machine, works with
>    Emulex above, $150
>  DISK DRIVE, DEC RK05 removable 2.5MB, with about 5 or 10
>    cartridges that have been stored nicely in my closet, about 80
>    lbs, $200 with disk packs.
>  DISK DRIVE, BALL 160 (fixed, 160MB SMD interf, about 80 lbs),$50.
>  DISK DRIVE, WANGCO 5MB top load, rack mount 10" high, 70 lbs,
>    with about 8 disk packs that were well stored, compatible
>    with DEC RL01, $60 with packs
>  FLOPPY DISK DRIVE, DSD, 2 8" floppies in 10" rack box, runs a 
>    PDP-11, copy of DEC RX01, $95.  Optional: RT-11 set,
>    XXDP Diagnostics, on 8" floppies
>  TAPE DRIVES, PERTEC 8640?, 800/1600 PE 10" reel to reel, 9-track,
>    100 lbs, Pertec unformatted interface, have 2 of them, $130 both
>  TAPE CONTROLLERS, for above to PDP 11, imitate DEC TM11, Complete
>    and worked: Western Peripherals 130, $50, not working: Plessy
>    and another WP copies of TM11.  About 8 lbs each for board set,
>    system unit, cables.
>  DH11 16 RS232 port DMA interface for PDP-11, made by DEC, $100
>  DECTAPE, bracelet size tape reels, hold only 256KB, two drives
>    w/ctrl, big, museum piece, $150.
>  RACKS, DEC H960 general purpose 19" "relay racks", with sides,
>    back, fans, power box, 6'H 21"W 30"D, with rear rails.  Start an
>    ISP full of modems or put your stereo in a rack, have 3, $70each
>  RACK, open 19" relay rack, just front frame, on base with casters,
>    6'H, 20"W, 25"D base on casters, $50
>  MULTIBUS SYSTEM, disassembled.  Ran UNIX, 68000 CPU card, Tashio
>    HDD/floppy controller, HDD (80MB?), Floppy (1.6MB?), Cardcage,
>    RAM, software. $60.
>  DEC Expansion Cabinets (you add controllers and RAM in these
>    boxes, which plug into 120VAC):  BA11ES, BA11L, etc. about $50ea
>  DEC MODULES: DL11 serials, M930, Unibus Cables, Printer interface,
>    boxes of misc. boards for PDP-11's, black plastic "bezels", etc.
>  MODEMS: external 1200BPS and 2400BPS.  Fancy for their day, 2400
>    does nice auto dial monitoring.  RS-232. $15 ea.
>DOCUMENTATION: SOFTWARE: UNIX:  full sets of docs for v.6, v.7,
>  4.1BSD, 4.2BSD, 4.3BSD, SUN OS2, SUN OS3, SunView.  About 3 big
>  file boxes of UNIX docs.  Also have distribution tape of 2.9BSD
>  for PDP-11 licensed to me from SCO (Santa Cruz Operation) and the
>  PDP11 hardware it is licensed for.  Cheap!
>DOCUMENTATION: SOFTWARE: DEC OS:  Full set, RT-11 v2, v3, v4,
>  partial RSX-11.  Also have the software on floppy and RK05, and
>  the PDP-11's that are licensed to run it. Cheap!  Also Heathkit
>  H-11 paper tape operating system, media and docs, new.
>DOCUMENTATION: HARDWARE: most all DEC PDP-11 docs from
>  1970-1985.  Paper and microfiche.  Also docs on compatibles
>  from Plessy, Western Peripherals, Wangco, etc.  Set of "Processor
>  Handbooks" and "Perhipheral Handbooks".
>VIC-20 Commodore computer with tape deck, books, games, working, $40

Gordon C. Zaft