Subject: Re: [not VAX related] PDP-11 UNIX Src Licenses Available (fwd)
To: Kevin P. Neal <>
From: Arno Griffioen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/13/1998 08:39:34
> >>I am glad to announce that, as a result of the petition, SCO have made
> >>source licenses available for most versions of PDP-11 UNIX. The essential
> >>details of the license are:
> >>
> >>	Covers research Editions 1 to 7, and 32V.
> >>	Covers derived versions of UNIX which ran on PDP-11s.
>                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ***
> Doh! 
> And I was hoping to get the 4.4BSD tapes. Shucks. 
> Well, it was a nice thought -- then I read the post again.

I'm under the assumption that '32V' as mentioned in the license
is/was VAX based and having this particular license is all that's required to 
get a BSD license which will then allow you to get 'real' BSD..

I could be way off the mark here.. Any people who have experience with 
this stuff here?

All I need is an OS for my PDP's and now I can get it :-)

Boy, am I glad I'm not a lawyer ;-)

							Bye Arno

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