Subject: Re: Sokolov
To: NetBSD/VAX Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/01/1998 16:12:47
On Sun, 1 Mar 1998, Oscar Oberg wrote:

> No I think I've got the answer! If we just do the Sherlock Holmes thing
> and assume that when we've removed all theories that can be proved to be
> wrong, the one that's left, however unlikely(?), must be the right answer.
> Consider the following: Nobody could _possibly_ be as obnoxious as sokolov
> apparantly is. This leaves us with just one possible solution: He doesn't
> exist!

My first suspicions were that Socks o' Love is possibly a far better
kibologist than I've yet to encounter, and that we'd all been severely
trolled.  This thought still lingers in the back of my mind, and if it's
true then I'd have immense respect for him in this regard. 

Otherwise, I'd classify him amongst the great USENET kooks like Archimedes
Plutonium, or perhaps he's of the same "Bad-AI" lineage as Serdar Argic.
Good old S.A., back in the transitory days of the Internet, just before
the full brunt of commercialization swept the net with the festering
pestilence of background noise.


I have finally resorted to procmailing his stuff just to preserve my
sanity.  It takes a very special person to agitate me and Sokolov would
fall into that 1/10th of a percent of the earth's population which
succeeds at this.  Only I've taken to procmailing it to it's own folder
instead of /dev/null.  His expositions when taken with ample wine amongst
the company of close and technically competent friends, provide for
endless hours recreation and joviality.

A toast to kooks everywhere!  And may Sokolov be damned to using a WebTV
for the rest of his life!

Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!