Subject: VS3100 video
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Apprich <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/30/1998 18:12:46
	I don't know if this already known, but here it is in hopes of 
getting the graphic console supported (as least as an output only device 
for stderr).

VS3100 M76 SPX Video

Video  board  switch gang 
(underneath the hard drive facing the machine's front panel.)
|            |                           |         
|        |   |   |__________|  __________|
| P/S    |   | o    o         |          |
|        |   |                |  SCSI    |     
|        |   |  hdd1 area     |  fdd     |
|        |   |                |  i/f     |  
|        |   | o    o         |  area    |
|        |  \|/o    o         |          |
|        |   #                |__________|
|        |      hdd2 area     ___________|
|        |                   |           |
|        |     o    o        |  fdd      |
|        |                   |  area     |
|        |                   |           |
|        |                   |           |
|        |                   |           |

<----front of unit
 | O N |     
 | # # |     
 | 1 2 |     

Switch    (0=down, 1=up)
      mode    field    color Hfreq Vfreq
1 2                    depth (Khz) (Hz)
0 0     ?  1024 x  800    ?    55   60  
0 1     ?  1280 x 1024    ?    70   66
1 0   GPX  1024 x  800    8    55   60
1 1   SPX  1280 x 1024    8    70   66

All modes use EIA-343 (.7 volt peak signal) video including sync on 
green (-.3 volt)    

The  video address layout information that I obtained  was  using 
the  **VMS Installation and Operations VAXstation 2000,  MicroVAX 
2000**   volume   order  number  AA-LB34A-TE.  (kudos   to   Marc 

Field Layout

|                    0x38000fff
|                    |
|<------1024-------->|  /|\
|                    |   |
|                    |   |
|        GPX         |  800
|                    |   |

|                    0x3801fff
|                    |
|<------1280-------->|  /|\
|                    |   |
|       SPX          |   |
|                    |  1024
|                    |   |

Mapping repeats @ 0x38400000, 0x38800000, 0x38c00000

Pixels  are mapped in a progressive manner both horizontally  and 
vertically. There is no interlacing of pixel layout with  respect 
to to memory.

     As  it  stands  now, my system seems to  only  display  full 
intensity  white when 0xff's are written to that area of  memory. 
Any other number will not display any pixels. I have yet to find where 
the color information is mapped.