Subject: Re: Ahh, fudge. Now the drive's dead.
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Boris Gjenero <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/27/1998 20:41:15
David Brownlee wrote:
>         I have two SCSI drive sin my VS3100, one of which has a whole
>         slew of badblocks from ~21MB - ~38MB which would not map out.
>         I've partitoned it to avoid that aread and its running fine.

Yes, I know about that trick.  I just did that last weekend with a
Fujitsu M2361A Super Eagle SMD drive.  My Sun 4/260 is now happy with
the drive.  However, the normal bad sectors tend to be all over the
place and not in one location like the (abnormal?) bad sectors (I guess
from a head crash).  Unless you're lucky you'd have to have a *lot* of

>         If you only have a few badblocks you can just newfs it and use
>         badsect (check the manpage). Providing the badsectors are not
>         in inode data it should work fine.

I've tried that, though I can't say I've been too successful.  It would
be a lot of trouble, and you do need to be lucky.  With a few you stand
a chance, but if there are more, some will probably end up in the inode
data.  I guess if they are in the inode data you can fsck with different
parameters or partitioning and hope they're in files.  You can have
hours of fun this way.  :-) 

|  Boris Gjenero <>              |
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