Subject: Here's my introduction, and a (probably stupid) problem...
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Daniel Seagraves <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/26/1998 22:21:02
This is awfully long, I apologise...

My name is Daniel Seagraves.  I'm a high-schooler, and I collect old 
computers.  I have a few PDP-11s, parts of a VAX 780, an IBM System/36 
(Think you can port NetBSD to THAT?) and a few MicroVAXen. (A 3100, and a 
2000.  The 3100 is online, [] running VMS.  
Shells are available...)  I'm a sysadmin at an ISP.

I just got my hands on the MicroVAX 2000, and seeing as NetBSD supports it 
I thought I'd make an attempt at installing it.
The machine has 6Meg of RAM, an RD53 harddisk (Had to open it to find 
that out), and ethernet (That's standard with these, right?), but no tape 
or removable drives.  So, I went and got the netboot stuff, it's here at 
school and at work, and it works.  I can netboot the machine.  I can play 
around with it (Except for a wierd quirk, I'll explain it later.) OK.
My reasoning here is that I could mount boot over the ether, newfs the 
RD, mount it, untar the distribution there, and reboot from the harddisk.
So, I booted esa0/3, loaded edlabel, that worked, and set the label on 
rd(0,0,0,0).  I have the following numbers:
18 sectors/track, 144 sec/cylinder, 963 cylinders so 138672 sectors total.
Partition A starts at offset 0, size is 120000.  Partition B starts at
offset 120000 size 18672.  Partition C starts at offset 0 and is size 138672.
(I'm assuming the partition numbers are sectors.  Is that correct?)
Anyway, I rebooted, loaded /netbsd over the NFS, and did newfs /dev/rrd0a.
It panicked and went to the debugger, where I had not much of an idea 
what to do (I immediately thought "Cool!  A kernel debugger!  Now what do 
I do with it...) except ask for help.  Reboot looked interesting.  I 
tried that.  It halted.  Fun.  The numbers look interesting I thought 
you all'd wanna see them.  So, I took a logfile of the second attempt.  
It failed in the same manner.  I'm assuming I have my disklabel numbers 
wrong.  Anyone care to tell?

>>> boot esa0


>> NetBSD/vax boot [980110 22:29] <<
: /netbsd
boot: client IP address:
boot: client name: chibiusa
root addr= path=/netbsd/distrib

[The little count here just shows as a bunch of ^H characters, so I 
snipped it.  This is also where my little quirk comes in.  When I start 
the machine, it wants it's console commands from terminal port 1.  After 
NetBSD boots, it talks to port 3 (Like my other MicroVAX.  Except it 
wants console commands on port 3) and so I have to real quicklike switch 
ports.  So, a few things may be lost here.  Is there a way to change this 

fstab: /etc/fstab: No such file or directory
Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks.
fstab: /etc/fstab: No such file or directory
fsck: Can't open checklist file: /etc/fstab

Automatic file system check failed; help!
Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh: 
Terminal type? vt100
Don't login as root, use the su command.
# ls /dev
MAKEDEV         rd0a            rd0e            rrd0a           rrd0e
MAKEDEV.local   rd0b            rd0f            rrd0b           rrd0f
console         rd0c            rd0g            rrd0c           rrd0g
fd              rd0d            rd0h            rrd0d           rrd0h
# newfs /dev/rrd0a
panic: pmap_enter: lost mapping
Stopped at      0x8009d9eb:     bicl3   $0xffbfffff, r2, r1
db> help
print       examine     x           search      set         write       w
delete      d           break       dwatch      watch       step        s
continue    c           until       next        match       trace       call
ps          kill        callout     reboot      show

[Some screwing around here snipped]

db> show all procs
  pid proc     addr     uid  ppid  pgrp  flag stat em  comm         wchan
   14 0x8507f700 0x85bbdc00   0    10    14  004006  2  netbsd  newfs
   10 0x8507da00 0x85bbbc00   0     1    10  004086  3  netbsd  sh   wait 0x850
    2 0x85079300 0x85bb9c00   0     0     0  000204  3  netbsd  pagedaemon   th
rd_sleep 0x800bd050
    1 0x85077f00 0x85bb7c00   0     0     1  004084  3  netbsd  init   wait 0x8
    0 0x800bfff4 0x800c7400   0    -1     0  000204  3  netbsd  swapper   sched
uler 0x800bfff4
db> reboot
syncing disks... Trap: type 2, code 0, pc 80000557, psl 40c0000
P0BR 80266000   P1BR 7fa67800   P0LR      460   P1LR   1fff00
KSP  85bbf8d0   ISP  801b6128   USP  7fffd7e8
R0          f   R1         e0   R2   80028224   R3   80221400
R4   800ab8e4   R5   800c39b8   R6          0   R7          0
R8   800ab914   R9          0   R10  800c4ec4   R11  800b5990
FP   801b61d0   AP   801b61f4   PC   80000557   PSL   40c0000
panic: trap: adr 0
Stopped at      0x800a4432: