To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Varga Akos Endre <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/26/1998 10:54:22

I took a look at the above mentioned page and this is what I came up

-At the 11/780 it says that it's a slower version if the /785, but it's
not. This was the first VAX in '77/78, the 785 was introduced in 1984
and was a re-engineered version with newer components so it was 50%

-I don't know very much about the 11/782, the name suggests that it would
be a two-processor system, probably ASMP. I remember seeing it somewhere
that this was out in '82. 
There was another custom series of two-780-processor systems, you can find
out more about that at

-The H9642 19" rack contains a box that is the size of the BA23, but
these are not normal BA23s. Okay, the box does have two qbus backplanes
inside, the second is connected to the first via a jumper cable.
But... the box I saw had an external power supply, the normal BA23s
have that inside. And... the backpanel was different... Okay, these
are not big differences, it could be called BA23-xx, but...
 64.8x105.9x91.5 cm, 168-311 kgs (the RA81 and 82 weight 61.2kgs)

-MicroVAX 3600 systems were shipped in the H9644 enclosure, a 19"
rack with a RA82 on the top and the qbus box below. I think there
were 3900s that had two RA90s instead of the RA82.
 54x106.8x80 cm, 124.9-206.6 kgs

-BA213: this has 12 qbus slots and room for 3 ISE (Integrated
Storage Element) disks like the RF71 (400MB DSSI)
 (the expansion box was called BA(or B?)213F)
 53x69x45 cm, 49.9-68 ks 

-The BA215 this was a smaller version of the BA213 used with the
3300 systems (the expansion box was called BA215F or similar)
 38.1x69x45 cm, 31.8-36.3 kgs

- VAX 4000 Model 200: (1990)
 5.0 VUPS, 6KB on-chip cache, max 64 MB RAM, max 21 GB disks
 shipped in BA215 and BA4xx (?) enclosures

- VAX 4000 Model 300: (1990)
 8.9 VUPS 2KB on-chip and 128 KB on-board cache
 max 224 MB mem, max 28 GB disks

-The RA81 was 456MB, with 28 msec average seek time, (10.5")
 36.30 access time, 17.4 Mbit/s peak transfer rate
  26,3x44.5x67.3 cm, 61.2 kgs

-RA82: 623 MB, 24 msec avg. seek and 32.33 avg. access time, (10.5") 
 and 19.2 Mbit/s peak transfer, the dimensions are identical to
 the RA81

-RA70: 280MB, 19.5 msec/27.9 msec/11.61 Mbit/sec (5.25")
 8.87x14.60x20.45 cm, 4.72 kgs

-RA90: 1.216 GB, 17.5 msec/8.33 msec/22.1 Mbit/s 
 26.6x23x68.5 cm, 13.6 kgs 

Thanks for your time!

  /   ___ _  _ ___ ____ ___ ___  
 /__//__///_///__   /  /_   /  ) Varga Akos Endre
/  //  //   /___/  /  /__  /  (
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