Subject: Re: DEC documentation
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Sokolov <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/19/1998 00:35:28
   Adam Fritzler <> wrote:
> Or, even better, have it all scanned/OCRed so we can all have a gander!
> (I've got a nice flatbed scanner that does good book sanning...)  This is
> with DECs permission, of coarse...
   That's the hardest. I suspect that DEC, just like all mean companies,
makes most of its profit by selling documentation to poor hackers who spend
their last pennies on it, rather than by selling hardware to corporations
who have enough money to use $100 bills as fuel for heating their
buildings. But if someone does manage to get that permission by some
miracle, the rest is easy. There is no need for scanning or OCRing, since
I'll probably get the docs as PostScript files. I'm sure that Richard won't
be searching for them in some warehouse, since this ancient stuff won't be
there. He can't officially request them from the documents center either,
since he is supporting me on a purely unofficial basis. What he'll probably
do is pull these docs off of their internal system, which has them all in
electronic form. Since I'm asking for quite a bit, he probably won't print
them himself, but will let me do it. I have absolutely no problem with
printing this amount of documentation on the campus printer. That printer
produces about one million pages per month, so the people who run it are
used to large volumes. And if someone manages to get the permission to
publicize these docs, I will be able to do it easily.
   Michael Sokolov
   Phone: 440-449-0299
   ARPA Internet SMTP mail: