Subject: Re: Got It (VAX8200)
To: Michael Sokolov <mxs46@po.CWRU.Edu>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/09/1998 01:30:22
On January 8, Michael Sokolov wrote:
> distribution board, right? Then the drives on the first RQDX3 will be
> called DUA0-DUA3 and the ones on the second RQDX3 will be called DUB0-DUB3,
> right? And you are saying that it's impossible, right? Or are you saying
> that the second RQDX3 will automagically detect that it's secondary and
> bump all unit numbers up by 4? But how can it detect that it's secondary?

  There is another set of jumpers on the RQDXx controllers that
determine the unit number offset, if I recall correctly.  I know for a
fact that the Emulex QD3x controllers do; I *think* the DEC RQDXx
controllers do as well.

                            -Dave McGuire