Subject: The new kernel dated from 28 oct.
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: cont fictiv <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/30/1997 21:16:09
	I've just got the new compiled version of kernel (netbsd) from
vaxport directory and i ran it. But I've got a lots of strange messages
after it was loaded (this messages was not shown in previous compiled
kernel downloaded from vaxport directory). This is the first problem I
need an answer of. The second problem appeared after the system was up
(and running fine): only the superuser could use symbolic links as this
one "/var -> /usr/var" with next permissions on /var: lrwx------.
	In the meantime i have system's sources downloaded from
NetBSD-current directory and I'd like to know how to compile the kernel
and fix that problems generated by ps,w etc.

	I would apreciate your answer.