Subject: 1.2 install/panic
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rick Copeland <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/28/1997 10:17:27
When I load the miniroot and answer "root device: ra0*" as shown in the
install docs the system panics as shown in the following:


howto 0x3, bdev 0x12, booting...
10556+552+33996 start 0x0

: ra(0,1)netbsd
621568+32768+85724 start 0x8b414
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
        The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 1.2_ALPHA (GENERIC) #2: Sun Jun 23 11:26:00 MET DST 1996

realmem = 33521664
avail mem = 27902976
Using 1636 buffers containing 1675264 bytes of memory.
backplane0 (root)
cpu0 at backplane0sbi0 at backplane0: Q22
uba0 at sbi0 tr0
uda0 at uba0 csr 172150 vec 774, ipl 17
uda0: version 8 model 13
uda0: DMA burst size set to 4
ra0 at uda0 slave 0: ra82, size = 1216665 sectors
tmscp0 at uba0 csr 174500 vec 770, ipl 17
tms0 at tmscp0 slave 0
qe0 at uba0 csr 174440 vec 764 ipl 17
qe0: delqa, hardware address 08:00:2b:0b:66:9f
root device? ra0*
WARNING: Clock has lost time - CHECK AND RESET THE DATE.
Preserved 3687 blocks of miniroot leaving 63193 pages of swap
Segv in kernel mode: rv 1
Trap: type c, code 0, pc 800158b3, psl 4150004
P0BR 80768800           P1BR 7ff61c00          P0LR     15dc           P1LR
KSP  83e3a0d4             ISP  80168aec            USP  7fffddec
R0          0                     R1   81e1a540            R2   81e22200
R3   81e1a540
R4   ffffffff                    R5         15                 R6   81e1a500
R7         14
R8   81e22200               R9   81e1a500            R10  20007461
R11  83e3a29c
FP   80168b88              AP   80168b9c            PC   800158b3        PSL
panic: trap: adr 0
Stopped at      0x80091b08:     bbs     $6, 60(r6), 0x80091b10

Anybody got any ideas as to why this is happening? 

Rick GC
Rick Copeland