Subject: Re: BCC08 + VS2000
To: Kevin Williams <>
From: Marc Malagelada Duch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/01/1997 18:53:15
> I'm trying to get a pinout of a BCC08 cable so I can make a serial cable for my VS2000. I was 
> orginally going to swipe a VT-220 from work but the VAXen Admin said no way! Anyway.. I want to make a 
> BCC08 to RS-232(Laptop serial connector) so I can directly connect to the Vax. However, I am having a 
> bit of dificulty locating the wiring info. I know Pins 8+9 need to be shorted... After that I'm lost.

OK: You're right:
Short pins 8 & 9 to inform the VS that the console I/O is done through
the serial (printer) port.
Then connect pin 3 to pin 3 in the PC RS232. (DB9)
             pin 2 to pin 2 in the PC RS232. (DB9).
             pin 5 to pin 5 in the PC RS232. (DB9).

This should work.

If you plan to connect it to the PC's D25 RS232, wire as follows:
VS2000 pin 3  to PC's PIN 2
       pin 2  to PC's PIN 3
       pin 5  to PC's PIN 7

I've also shorted CTS-RTS and DSR-DTR lines in the PC side.

You'll find the pinout of a standard RS232 in the HELPPC program (free)
or in any MSDOS 6.x using HELP-INTERLNK-Notes.

I use Telix 3.22 Shareware terminal emulation program.

Serial port parameters:
9600 bauds  (in fact VS2000 will auto-detect)
N    No parity.
8    8 data bits.
1    1 stop bit.

If anybody in the list finds any mistake in this, please correct it.

