Subject: modifying files.vax
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robin Birch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/26/1997 10:34:32
Dear All,
I am adding an interface to files.vax (1.2B Netbsd).  I want to add a line
that uses the same device name but on a different setup.  I am attempting to
add lance to a 3400.  lance already exists on the VAXStation and is based
around a bus called vsbus.  So the existing entry looks like:

	attach le at vsbus
	file arch/vax/if/if_le.c

What I want to do is add the code to if_le.c so that the interface works 
out which system its in and configures itself accordingly.

So this suggests that what I want is something like:

	attach le at vsbus
	attach la at uba
	file arch/vax/if/if_le.c

This complains about duplicates of le.  Similar structures exist earlier on
in the file so what I want to do should be possible.  Can anybody suggest how
I should go about this.

