Subject: Many thanks
To: None <port-VAX@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Gregg <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/06/1996 12:14:28
Many thanks to the VAX Port NetBSD community for replying to my
NetBSD 1.2 miniroot problem on my uVAX II. Especially Jonathan
Sturges for emailing me the 1.1 TK50 boot files.

Installing the 1.1 miniroot has worked perfectly and later today I 
will try to 'migrate' to the 1.2 kernel.

Have a good one,


Andrew Gregg, MSc, MBCS  |
Faculty of Informatics   |
University of Ulster     |
Cromore Road, Coleraine, | Tel: 01265 324243 
Co. Londonderry, NI      | FAX: 01265 324916