Subject: Memory problems
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robin Birch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/12/1996 17:45:08
Dear All,
I am currently trying to build the latest 1.2 on my system and I have hit a
snag that is to do with the system I already have running, the one I am 
trying to carry out the build on.  This is a current of several months ago.

Whilst running make build, make complained a couple of times of not being
able to allocate memory.  Then when I got to the man pages in libc groff 
started to blow out with segmentation errors on anything but the smallest 
input files.

I rebuilt groff and reinstalled it, same result.  I then started scratching
around and if I did a ps -aux I found that the %mem collumn was all set to
0.0 which seems really rather wrong.

At present I am building a generic kernel to make sure that I havn't 
inadvertantly broken anything.

The system passes its internal diags ok so I am out of ideas until
the kernel finishes.  Has anybody got anything to suggest?.

