Subject: Re: Status,
To: None <,>
From: Robin Birch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/03/1996 20:25:39
It depends on the disc drives that you have got.  If you can arrange an MSCP
set up, say an MSCP to SCSI or RA8x or RD53/54 set up then everything should
be easy.  The problem comes when you have only got dssi (RF) or RZ discs. In
this instance you have to wait until someone does the necessary drivers and
the use that.  The easiest, believe me, is to scrounge the appropriate

I have a 3400 that has RF discs that I also have plugged in an MSCP to
SCSI card.  I use a couple of discs on the SCSI system and I am trying to
write drivers for the DSSI stuff (and failing)

Hope this helps
