Subject: mopd 2.5.3 release.
To: port-vax@NetBSD.ORG, Oscar Oberg <>
From: Mats O Jansson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/22/1996 19:57:14

Todays release is two small bugfixes. The first is to get the SunOS 4 
version to compile again. The second is to get mopd to be able to boot
VS2000. Yes, today I have netbooted my MAJA2.SYS on a VS2000.

Yesterday Oscar Oberg <> reported some problem with
mopd and booting a VS2000. I got a trace and guessed that the problem
might be the packet length. Since my VS2000 has had problem with 
MOP-booting since over a year, i fetched another VS2000 and noticed the
same problem on that. Hmm, thats strange could it be anything else that
caused the problems. Yes, when I changed SQE on the transiver all problems
disappered. The ROM VMB is very picky about SQE (but on the other hand
the VS2000 is old).

When I then tried to netboot the VS2000 I got the same behavior as Oscar
had reported. So after some tcpdump and comparing mopd with an InfoServer
I reduced the packet size. And by magic now it loads the VS2000.

The source can be found at

Mats O Jansson, CelsiusTech Systems, Jaerfaella, Sweden
email: (or