Subject: RE: Building 1.2 Kernels
To: 'Robin Birch' <>
From: Ari Suutari <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/11/1996 10:17:12

	I had same problems with source tree obtained under
	NetBSD 1.1. After I got the sources from NetBSD-current
	everything started to work. I was able to build some
	kernels with NetBSD 1.1 sources also, but it was very
	difficult to find combination of options that really worked.

		Regards, Ari S.

Hei! Puhumme myos suomea!
Carelcomp Forest Oy        Ari Suutari                   
53850 Lappeenranta         
FINLAND                    +358 53 669 5012

From: 	Robin Birch[]
Sent: 	11. heinakuuta 1996 0:41
Subject: 	Building 1.2 Kernels

Dear All,
Stupid question time again.  I can build a kernel so long as I
stay with option GENERIC and option netbsd swap generic.

If I try anything else, say leaving out the GENERIC option and
doing config netbsd root on ra0a swap on ra0b the resultant kernel
crashes.  Usually at the stage when root is configured.

What options should I use if I want to allocate root and swap in this
manner?.  I am happy to stay with option GENERIC and swap generic
for now but I ask in case I want to play in the future.


Robin Birch