Subject: Re: A question and some docs
To: None <>
From: Mats O Jansson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/16/1996 10:51:17
On Fri, 15 Mar 1996 wrote:

> Oh, sorry, one more question:
> I've seen people "mop" a DECstation (network boot it). I'm told you
> can also mop a VAX. Is this a standard rarp song-and-dance, or
> does it take special software? Can I boot a uVAX II from a Sun 3
> running StunOS 4.1.1?

I've written a MOP-loader, but NetBSD/vax and NetBSD/pmax can't use it
to be booted, yet. To be able to load a NetBSD kernel from any machine
capable of serving MOP, the image must have a image header in one of the
formats supported by Digital. To learn my MOP-loader a specific NetBSD
format doesn't seems to be a good idee, then you have to boot it from
a UNIX machine.

The MOP/loader can be found at

> XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------
> XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore CSC/CPE 
> XCOMM North Carolina State University
> XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------


Mats O Jansson, CelsiusTech Systems, Jaerfaella, Sweden
email: (or