Subject: Dumpster Diving Guy
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/05/1996 22:37:43
Ok, so I went dumpster diving with a friend of mine today. I 
got 3 VAXstation II/RC machines. I got one tk50 drive, one
Micropolis drive, and a bunch of serial ports. 

1) Does NetBSD support this machine yet?
2) How do I test the machine to see how well it works and stuff?
I am going to piece together 1 machine, possibly 2, and my
roommate gets the other machine. What sources of info are
available on this machine? 

3) Can I get SCSI for these things? They look like they have 1 free
slot in them.

4) The tk50 doesn't have SCSI on it, what interface is it, and
how can I make use of it even if I can't get at least one machine

Long story short: Help!

XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore CSC/CPE 
XCOMM North Carolina State University
XCOMM --------------------------------------------------------