Subject: Help (VAXstation2000)
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marc Malagelada <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/08/1996 20:56:45
Hello, I'm trying to know about a VAXstation2000, and I have no info
about it.
Maybe anyone in this list may help me by telling me where to ask
the following questions or by giving me some info...?

Sorry for using this list to ask this, I know that this list is not intended
for doing this kind of questions, but I'm trying to get info by all means.

It is a VAXstation2000 and what I know is:

*  CPU box is a KA410
        with a RX33 floppy disk drive (1.2Mb) installed as DUA2:
        no harddisk in this box.
        no idea about the amount of memory.
        ethernet port installed as device named ESA0:

        a 71Mb Micropolis HardDisk Drive Unit installed as DUA1:

*  I have a DEC keyboard and a nice 21" color monitor.

I have mouted it and I have found a copy of a manual in System Administration 
Office. By this I came to know about the built-in tests. 
I have tried them and:
-The harddisk is in good conditions. (no sigle surface error), but no
 operating system. b dua1 does not work.
-Floppy disk in good conditions.
-Video circuitry tested OK.

I have ran the TEST 50 ( something like a System-Info ) and the following is
the result:

>>> test 50

KA410-B V2.1
ID 08-00-2B-0C-33-38

    MONO    0000.0001
    CLK     0000.0001
    NVR     0000.0001
    DZ      0000.0001
      00000001  00000001  00000001  00000001  00000001  00000001
    MEM     0000.0001
    MM      0000.0001
    FP      0000.0001
    IT      0000.0001
    HDC     7170.0001
      00000000  00022000  FFFFFFFF
  ? TPC     0000.4001
    SYS     0000.0001
    4PLN    0000.0001   v1.3
  ??NI      0000.7004   v1.4


MONO: It seems that it has a MONO graphics adapter, but test 87 show colors!!!
CLK:  There is a Clock. The manual tells so.
NVR:  A nonvolatile memory. I thing it is something like the PC-AT setup.
DZ:   I don't know what is DZ. Any ideas?
MEM:  MEMory, but where is the amount? does 0040000 mean something?
MM:   Manual: Memory Management. 
FP:   Floating point support. Is active or inactive?
IT:   No idea.
HDC:  Hard Disk Controller. HD installed as DUA1: (7170)
      Type of harddisk: RD53 (00022000)
TPC:  Tape controller!
      Not idea what 4001 and that F's mean.
SYS:  Maybe SYStem? a System checker?
4PLN: 4-Plane support board v1.3.
NI:   Something which version is 1.4.

Maybe test 0 (SYSTEM EXERCISER) may help to the kind soul that may help me..

>>>test 0

KA410-B V2.1        01   CU

   F  00B0  MONO   0000.0001   3  0  00:08:51.84
   C  0080  DZ     0000.0001  11  0  00:10:37.51
   B  0010  MEM    0021.0001   8  0  00:10:31.73
   7  0090  HDC    1000.0001
   6  00A0  TPC    8000.0001   6  0  00:10:31.93
   4  00D0  4PLN   0000.0001   2  0  00:10:31.68
   1  00C0  NI     0000.0001  10  0  00:10:04.89



Does anybody know what mean all this? In the manual there is only half page
of info and tells nearly nothing.

And a final question: Is there a difference between a VAXstation2000 and a

Thanks to anybody that had read all this.
If somebody knows something or knows where to find more info about this,
please tell me.


Marc Malagelada Duch.                     