Subject: Yet another one...
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jason Downs <downsj@CSE.COM>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/20/1995 03:45:04
Well, there's another VAX out there running NetBSD.  Nice work, guys.  This
has come a long way.

I've got it going on a uVAXII, 12megs of memory, 4 RD54s, a TK70, and qe
ethernet.  It's going in multi-user, right now, on the network.

Anyone have a working tool chain?  The snapshot from a month ago is
obviously lacking one.  (Anyone have a working vi?  ed is only useful
whilst intoxicated.)

			Jason Downs  --  downsj@CSE.COM
	  Computer Software, Etc.  --  Gresham, OR  --  (503) 492-3652