Subject: Re: Sun 3/80 questions
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 06/03/2003 14:45:34
> I'd love to get my cg8 working under NetBSD and X11R6... but other
> than looking good, I have to wonder exactly how "bad" the performance
> will be :-)

Well, I've never used a real cg8.  But I have a cg14, and with a little
X server work it's definitely usable.  I had to hack the X server to
run most clients in 8bpp mode before it became usable; the full-depth
modes are great for applications that need the colour resources, but
too slow for things like terminal emulators that don't.  (If you want
the full story of the X server hackery, see the port-sparc archives
back in the early months of 2003.)

Now, I don't know how close the cg14 and cg8 are to one another.  But
the SPARC cg14 driver has comments implying that the mode I'm using is
a cg8 emulation mode, so it may be close enough.  Unfortunately I don't
have a cgeight to try it myself.

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