Subject: Re: fyi
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Logan Bowers <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 07/30/2001 13:11:38
What is UBC?
Logan Bowers
"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win."
--Mahatma Gandhi
On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 05:16:54PM -0700, Chuck Silvers wrote:
> > just for fun I timed a full "make release" on my sun3 to see if it's any
> > faster now with UBC. folks have said that it takes about 10 days for a
> > 1.5 build tree. this was a -current tree from about a month ago, which is
> > somewhat larger than a 1.5 tree. the results:
> >
> > 634674.781u 100494.197s 210:00:50.42 97.2% 0+0k 57919+904021io 52447pf+0w
> >
> > 8 days, 18 hours! a whole day faster! hee hee hee!
> >
> > (of course, it might be that my disk is faster than that of whoever said
> > it took 10 days for 1.5, but I'm going to be happy about it anyway.)
> I also noticed a boot in kernel compiles since UBC went in. And I've only
> 8 meg of RAM :)
> --
> Manuel Bouyer <>
> --