Subject: Re: ...oh woe, or suffering...and beyond..
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/18/2000 00:31:56
> ..but, you're right about the 4M chips...wish I could do something
> useful with the bagful of same I have sitting uselessly in drawers
> around here...or even the gaggle of 1M SIMMS I have.

Lucky sod.  Over here, yes, 1M SIMMs are something you have trouble
giving away, but 4M 30-pin SIMMs are worth far more than makes sense;
it seems there are lots of legacy systems that take 30-pin RAM that
people are trying to fill with as much RAM as they can manage.

Except that shipping from Oz-land (you are in .au, are you not?) would
probably be more than even they are worth, I'd offer to take those 4M
sticks off your hands (especially if they're real parity RAM) - I count
40 one-meg sticks that could usefully be replaced by 4-meggers.

>> I'm doing a build-of-the-world now on a -3/60 and it's doing a
>> pretty good job of taking its time without even doing much swapping.
>> (The machine is fully loaded, with 28 megs of RAM.)

> ...geez, how do you put up with all that quiet? (^B

Heh.  This room has nearly two dozen fans (spread over 7 machines)
going, enough that I can't hear the doorbell in here:

- Truly-Delicious (486DLC, no case): power supply fan, CPU fan

- Twig (Sun-3/60): pizza-box fan, external disk enclosure fan

- Collatz (NeXT Cube): Cube fan

- Sparkle (SPARC IPX): enclosure fan, external disk enclosure fan

- Stone (SPARC IPX): enclosure fan

- Vger (decapitated SPARC ELC): power supply fan, CPU cooling fan

- no name (-3/60 in -3/260 VME cardcage): 10(?) fans in VME chassis, 2
  fans in external shoebox powering external disk

					der Mouse

		     7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B