Subject: Re: ...oh woe, or suffering...and beyond..
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/17/2000 12:21:07
>> as for additional RAM there were only 3rd party hacky add on boards
>> (up to 12 M) which are probably hard to find loose.  I wonder what
>> building one would take :-)

Lots of care, and probably fairly sophisticated fab lines.

> ..yes, I have heard of these mythical expansions, but you are right
> (in understatement) of their rarity...I haven't even seen a picture
> of one, let alone an actual specimen.

Goodness, I didn't realize I was so privileged.  I've seen two of them.
I think they have the name `Helios' on the board, but my memory has
flaked out on that point before - I used to think it was `Falcon'.

The way they work is, you pull two chips (the MMU and one other, I
think) and plug in a daughterboard.  Then you put the two chips back
into sockets on the daughterboard.  Also on the board are eight 30-pin
SIMM sockets, which you then proceed to populate with SIMMs (1M only
AFAIK, hence 12M max - 4M onboard, 8M on add-on - but wouldn't it be
cool if they took 4M :).

>> nfs swap on 10base2 network is understandably slow, of course :-(
>> which is what I am stuck with as well)
> I'm unsure whether nfs swap is any faster or slower than the access
> times on scsi swap partition...

Slower, at least over 10 megabit, which is all a -3/50 is capable of
(unless you have SCSI ethernet - but even then, I doubt swap over SCSI
ethernet would be faster than swap to SCSI disk).

> though, it probably peels off into the wilderness of not mattering..I
> dare say the speed of either medium could not encroach on the 3/50's
> ability to take it's time.

There is that. :-)  I'm doing a build-of-the-world now on a -3/60 and
it's doing a pretty good job of taking its time without even doing much
swapping.  (The machine is fully loaded, with 28 megs of RAM.)

					der Mouse

		     7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B