Subject: Re: Jaz Floopy drive
To: Claude Foley <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 02/20/1998 10:23:10
On Fri, 20 Feb 1998, Claude Foley wrote:

> I just bought a Jaz 1GB floppy drive and I'm currently using NetBSD-1.1 on a
> SUN 3/60.

Well, it's actually a hard drive, but anyway....

> When I boot I have a message that it used fictitious geometry and since I
> bought a used Jaz drive I don't know the geometry. I used edlabel to make it
> better, I still have message when I boot but I could access the Jaz drive.
> So what I want to know is: does NetBSD-1.3 will recognize the Jaz drive...

Yes. Just continue to use the fictitious label; that worked fine
for me.


Curt Sampson	   Info at
Internet Portal Services, Inc.	   Through infinite mist, software reverberates
Vancouver, BC  (604) 257-9400	   In code possess'd of invisible folly.