Subject: Re: sun3x Netbsd...
To: Bob Beck <>
From: Jeremy Cooper <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/19/1997 19:38:19
On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Bob Beck wrote:
> I've got a couple of 3/80's and would like to give the cat a
> kick. I heard an ugly rumour that sun3x support is making it's way
> into NetBSD-current. Anyone got something I can start from or some
> pointers to it?
The rumours you heard were true, but I certainly hope they weren't ugly.
Right now you have two choices in your selection of NetBSD/sun3x. If you
are looking for quick setup time without having to compile anything, I
suggest you try the ``unofficial'' NetBSD/sun3x being ported by Tsubai
Manasari et. al. They have done a nice job of providing pre-compiled
kernels and sources based on NetBSD-current. See:
or the japanese version:
If you are looking for the ``officially'' supported version. You will
have to download the kernel sources from NetBSD-current and compile them.
Instructions for doing so are in the newly created sun3x section of
Hopefully this situation will change very shortly, and you will be able to
download reasonably current pre-compiled versions from the NetBSD ftp
site. I am working on this as we speak.