Subject: rpc.bootparamd problems
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Scott Stanton <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/03/1997 12:07:29
  Hi there folks, I hope someone can shed some light on my problems
setting up this 3/160 using netboot. I've configured the tftp boot server
and netboot loads properly, then it promptly dies with the output:

>> NetBSD netboot [$Revision: 1.5 $]
Using IP address = A9E20255
boot: client addr:
recvrpc: reject, astat=1, errno=1
bootparamd: 'whoami' call failed
net_open: bootparam/whoami RPC failed
boot: netbsd: Input/Output error

  The rpc.bootparamd process is running on the boot server (I'm going to
assume that the client uses the same server for bootparamd as it does for
tftp?), and everything seems to otherwise be configured properly. I
couldn't locate the source for netboot to see what it was trying to do or
what the error codes mean - my man page for bootparamd is sparse, at best.
If it matters, the boot server is a Sparc 10 running SunOS 4.1.3_U1.
Can anyone give me some insight as to what those error messages mean?
(generically is ok - I don't know what the problem is right now). The
system here has a fairly complex NIS and tcpwrapper configuration, so I'm
not sure which area netboot is failing in. Thanks!

                 .-.                                 .-.
  .-.           /   \       .-.                     /   \          .-.
 State University of New York  \       .-.         /
 Undergraduate Network Assistant \   /     \     /
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