Subject: Re: Sun 3/60 [NetBSD 1.2] keeps on booting.
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Holo.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/14/1997 06:45:36
> Do you have si_options set to 5?

> "everything dumps core" seems to happen with depressing regularity
> when si_options == 7 and not at all when si_options == 5.  DMA
> completion interrupt handler bug?

I've got two -3/260s and a -3/150.  There was a time when I was running
the latter and one of the former, all with si_options==3.  The -3/260
has never once done the "everything dumps core" trick; the -3/150 did
it regularly.  I'm now running the two -3/260s and not running the
-3/150 at all, and I haven't seen "everything dumps core" even once
since switching to the current setup.

So whatever it is, in my experience it's tied to the hardware somehow.
I don't know ehough about the differences between the -3/260 and the
-3/150 to even guess what it is, though.  Your observation is
interesting; perhaps there is something subtly different in interrupt
handling?  (All these machines have si on the VME bus, not onboard, and
it makes not one bit of difference which si board I use, AFAICT -
though one of the three si boards may not have been exercised heavily.)

					der Mouse

		     7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B