Subject: Re: bootparamd troubles continue. Wierd address problem?
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Graff <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 07/17/1996 13:20:19
** Reply to note from Elijah Wright <> Wed, 17 Jul 1996 08:53:15 -0500
Ok i seem to have this up and running with no problems...
i am including my bootparams file and hosts file...hope it helps
== bootparams ==
xhost root=server:/usr/export/root/Xkernel.sun3
xphile root=kb2rum:/usr/export/root/xphile swap=kb2rum:/usr/export/root/xphile/swap
== hosts ==
# For loopbacking. localhost kb2rum # my linux box xphile # my sun3
# End of hosts.
== exports == (just in case)
/usr xphile(rw,insecure,no_root_squash)
== rarp setup == (also just in case)
rarp -s xphile 8:0:20:8:DC:75
Out the interface, through the subnet, over the router, through the other
subnet, out the Gateway...Nothing but 'Net.