Subject: Re: MMU fault in new kernel
To: None <>
From: Gordon W. Ross <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 04/06/1996 15:40:15
> Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 16:43:51 +0100
> From: (Julian Bean)
> Running a new kernel just compiled on my Mac for my sun3 (config'ed on the
> sun, make MACHINE=sun3 on the mac, as advised by gwr), it faults at boot
> time:
> ...
> mainbus0 (root)
> obio0 at mainbus0
> zsc0 at obio0 addr 0x0
> trap type=0x8, code=0x145, v-0xc
> kernel: MMU fault trp
> Any idea what might be wrong? I would try to build a kernel on the sun3
> native, to see if that's the problem, but I don't have time just now. The
> sun3 boots fine under 1.0A (GENERIC#31 of 21 Aug 95).
The above panic looks suspiciously like a mis-matched combination of
old config (before attach changs) and more recent sources. Possible?
You should start by making sure everything is the same vintage.