Subject: Tape problems, dd, dump, tar, mt, everything
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jari Kokko <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 04/01/1996 14:10:56
Another thing I am wondering about is the st driver. I have one of
those QIC-24's in a hatbox (Archive?). It's not really working well.
At boot time I get st0: rogue, drive empty.
mt status reports an error, unknown.
mt rewind reminds me of formatting floppies with Windows 3.1.
tar causes a panic, sometimes, done < 0, strategy broken.
dump can't be told the size of the drive, whatever I try. (185123 tape
blocks on 44.3 tapes, yeah right!).
Anyone else had better success with one of these drives?
Jari Kokko