Subject: Re: Lance Rev C ether bug
To: David Alan Gilbert <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 10/26/1995 21:38:18
	If -current as of yesterday is ok...

	I've put a GENERIC kernel up with the LANCE_REVC_BUG undef'd on
	(I'd just compiled up a normal generic kernel and made a binary
	snapshot from yesterdays sup for my own use :)

	While I'm at it I'll put yesterdays snapshot there as well if you 
	want the entire system!
		David/abs +44 171 477 8186 (MIME) +44 0181 88 8949
Network Analyst, UCS, City University   System Manager, Southern Studios Ltd
Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB                PO Box 59, London N22 1AR

        <<< Monochrome - Largest UK Internet BBS - telnet >>>
>=- Microsoft: Abort and Retry Cancel -or- NetBSD: -=<
         (Apologies for long signature - in process of changing jobs)

On Thu, 26 Oct 1995, David Alan Gilbert wrote:

> Thanks to those who replied about the apparent Lance Ether problem.
> I'm ftp'ing the kernel source to patch up; unfortunatly both and
> seem to be missing 3 parts of the ksrc sets. (fg & I as I remember)
> I'm presently ftp'ing from and its getting killed by the lack
> of UK<->US bandwidth.  Suggestions for european sites with a good mirror of the
> source would be welcome.
> Cheers,
> Dave (