Subject: RE: ...Almost got this 3/50 booted...
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/22/1995 06:56:55
>>> init: not found
>> perhaps init's corrupted?

> hmm... that's strange, mine reports (init):

> Linux:
> file:   sparc demand paged executable

> My question is, why isn't init an mc68020 executable?  All of the
> executable files for NetBSD.sun3 that I have are all "sparc demand
> paged..."  I downloaded sbin.tar.gz from again to make
> sure, no difference.

That'll sure cause problems. :-(  But it also means something peculiar
is wrong with the kernel; to be producing the behavior you're seeing,
exec must be returning ENOENT, when it should be returning something
more like ENOEXEC.

I have a copy of an older sun-3 binary snapshot online.  It's all
unpacked and merged into a single tree, though, not in the original
format of a bunch of different .tar.gz files.  I can package up and
send you any desired subset of it.  This snapshot is known to mostly
work; I've done a full user-land rebuild (ie, everything but the
kernel) from source using it.  (I can, if you prefer, send you the
binaries resulting from the rebuild.)

					der Mouse