Subject: ...Almost got this 3/50 booted...
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rubin Binder <rbinder@ugly.UVic.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/21/1995 10:53:38
Hello all, I am very close to netbooting NetBSD on my Sun 3/50 from
my Linux machine.  I've worked hard to get this far :-)... and 
won't stop until it works!  

Here's the situation:

Complete install of NetBSD in /export/netbsd.sun3... which is supposed
to be the root in my intallation. /export/swap is the swap file.
"Sun" is the 3/50, and "paradise" is the Linux box...

Here's what happens:

Boot: le(0,0,0) 
Using IP Address = C8010103
Booting from tftp server at = C8010101
Using IP Address = C8010103
hostname: sun
domainname: (none)
server name 'paradise'
root pathname '/export/netbsd.sun3'
root on paradise:/export/netbsd.sun3 fstype nfs
Boot: vmunix
Size: 583904
console on zs0 (ttya)
DDB: found symbols [46944 + 50408 bytes]
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 1.0A (GENERIC) #208: Sat Apr  8 00:13:12 EDT 1995
Model: Sun 3/50
real mem  = 4177920
avail mem = 2908160
using 25 buffers containing 204800 bytes of memory
mainbus0 (root)
obctl0 at mainbus0
idprom0 at obctl0 hostid 0x1200ca2c
fpu0 at mainbus0 (emulator)
obmem0 at mainbus0
bwtwo0 at obmem0 addr 0x100000 (1152x900)
obio0 at mainbus0
zs0 at obio0 addr 0x20000 level 6 softpri 3
zs1 at obio0 addr 0x0 level 6 softpri 3
eeprom0 at obio0 addr 0x40000
clock0 at obio0 addr 0x60000 level 5
le0 at obio0 addr 0x120000 level 3 hwaddr 08:00:20:06:72:cf
si0 at obio0 addr 0x140000 level 2
scsibus0 at si0
root on le0
swap on le0
dump on le0
nfs_boot: using network interface 'le0'
nfs_boot: client_addr=0xc8010103
nfs_boot: server_addr=0xc8010101
nfs_boot: hostname=sun
root on paradise:/export/netbsd.sun3
swap on paradise:/export/swap
init: not found
panic: no init
Stopped at      _Debugger+0x6:  unlk    a6

What does it mean???  What's at fault?  "init" is in the sbin directory

Thanks for the support,
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