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Ultra 60 NVRAM

Hi all,

Not strictly a NetBSD question, but I imagine someone here must know the answer to this...

Trying to revive my Ultra 60 for NetBSD purposes, I found that the NVRAM battery had died.

I ordered a M48T59Y-70PC1 chip to replace it with, but after I changed it the machine refuses to boot (even the power LED doesn't come on).

The new chip is a -70PC1D rather than a -70PC1U. I don't think I've fried anything - the machine still boots fine with the old NVRAM chip.

So, is the D rather than U significant? Is the chip just defective? Should I do something to reset the NVRAM? (I tried Stop-N at boot, but that doesn't seem to have any effect)

any light shed on this appreciated,


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