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satalink0 error froze netbsd

An attempt to copy netbsd.gdb from /usr/src/sys/... to /var/crash
produced this:

satalink0:0:0: bus-master DMA error: status=0x66
wd0a: DMA error reading fsbn 34031136 of 34031136-34031167 (wd0 bn
34031136; cn 33761 tn 0 sn 48), retrying
Stopped in pid 167.1 (cp) at    netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x4:        nop
db{1}> bt
intr_list_handler(107678e18, 0, e0017ed0, 145e498, 1117a20, 146f5c0) at
sparc_interrupt(0, 1408000, 147e000, 8021, 147ef70, 1468c68) at
db{1}> c
Stopped in pid 167.1 (cp) at    netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x4:        nop

and left the machine unresponsive except to BREAK on the console.

No further messages from satalink0 were seen. wd0 is, in this case, SSD
rather than a HDD.


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