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u do not know me yet but please read the letter and probably you would like to know me :)

Hey :)
I'm Lorita. You may think that it's pretty wired or something like that but 
sometimes I search on the internet looking for interesting people and that is 
how I found you. I don't lose anything but I can acquire something doing this, 
I hope you are not afraid of such experiments. So I found you, and I I don't 
know why but I think that u are an interesting person and also I'm sure that it 
will be an exciting experience for both of us.
As you can see I am open to people, very communicative and kind person. I love 
travelling and meeting new people. It was kind of a short introduction and I 
will tell you more about myself when you reply. Now, please tell me something 
about yourself! What r you interesting in? What singles you out? What is 
special about you?
I hope you will answer the letter. 
Unfortunately I need to go now, please, reply when'll you have time!
Can't wait to talk to you!

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