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Re: Semi-OT: PROM password

On Tue, 26 Jan 2010, sparked%zadzmo.org@localhost wrote:

> Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 04:34:48 -0500
> From: sparked%zadzmo.org@localhost
> To: port-sparc64%netbsd.org@localhost
> Subject: Semi-OT: PROM password
> Just acquired a Sun Blade 1500 (Silver model); it came without a hard
> disk and refuses to boot from anything but said nonexistant disk 
> without a password.
> Does anyone have any ideas?

You need to fix the IDPROM contents.  The best way is to stick it into a 
different model machine.  This should reinitialize the bits with the 
security info.  Then you can put it back and it should reinitialize again.

Another way we were speculating about involves getting the machine to the 
ok prompt with the IDPROM removed, then inserting it.  I don't remember if 
you just update a property or if there's some other step that needs to be 
done.  I don't know of anyone who actually tried this.

The IDPROM itself should be a 64KB SEEPROM.  The image inside has a fixed 
section and a volatile section which is checksummed.  If you can find a 
way to alter a bit in the volatile section so the checksum fails, OBP 
should reinitialize it next boot.


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