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Re: initial (non working) port to sb-2000 commited

On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 15:56:48 +0000 (UTC)
Eduardo Horvath <eeh%NetBSD.org@localhost> wrote:

> > What is the state of US III support?
> There are signinficant changes in both the MMU and caches between USI/USII 
> and USIII processors.  This means quite a bit of nasty assembly language 
> work in locore.s as well as pmap.
I was afraid to hear this. This is a bit beyond my current skills.
I.e. it will take a lot of time for me to dig into this.

> along with very limited access to a USIII machine at 
> the time is why I never checked in the USIII code I was working on.)
I have a remote debugging facility that is already used by NetBSD
developers. In theory I could add the V240 to that setup. But the room
where this is located is overheated already. I cooked a SS20 recently
and I am afraid the V240 will not survive the themperatures there.

> Until this is done any schizo support will not do much good since you 
> won't be able to get far enough to execute it.
Well. There are a few bits from you in locore.s:
Revision 1.138, Thu Aug 30 22:58:30 2001 UTC
Preliminary UltraSPARC III suport (not enabled yet).

mrg added a hack when he imported schizo(4):
restore some old "intrdebug" code, but leave it under NOT_DEBUG.  most
of it works, but one that prints func/arg for each handler is not very

for now, while schizo bus space pointer accesses aren't working, add
a SCHIZO_BUS_SPACE_BROKEN option so you can build a kernel with schizo.

with this, and the prior schizo interrupt fix, you can now fail to run

I hope mrg can explain the current locore.s state and point me where to


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