Subject: Re: sparc64 w /PCI
To: None <>
From: Michael Parson <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 06/09/2006 14:58:19
On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 03:52:02PM -0400, Miles Nordin wrote:
> >>>>> "mp" == Michael Parson <> writes:
>     mp> You can even use Video, you just won't get anything till X
>     mp> fires up (if you are using XFree86 or XOrg, not XSun) due to
>     mp> the lack of sun OpenBoot support on the cards.
> non-openboot PCI video cards on sparc64?  really?  I thought there
> were problems both with XFree86/Xorg locating the card without an
> OpenPROM node, and then even more fundamental problems that full
> bootup-initialization code for modern video cards is contained only in
> the x86 ROM and in the proprietary Linux .o XFree86/Xorg module
> (PeeCees with second video cards have the same problem, and get around
> it either using the works-on-i386-only x86 emulator built into
> XFree86/Xorg to run the ROM, or using the i386-only proprietary
> drivers from the card manufacturers).

I've seen others say that this works, I've never tried it myself, my
only PCI suns run headless or use their stock video, never felt the need
to upgrade the video.  Not even sure I even have any PCI video cards to
try this on my box at home.

Michael Parson