Subject: re: What recent Sun Hardware runs NetBSD+X?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 03/22/2005 16:54:51
   I can't comment on Ultra boxen of any stripe in this regard.  I have a
   U2 and two U1s, all of which are sitting idle at the moment and none of
   which have been in regular use in my setup, for reasons which I can go
   into if anyone is interested but which aren't really relevant to the
   topic at hand.  In a past job we had a U1, back when they were new, and
   aside from the CPU fan seizing up (apparently common with U1s of that
   era), it doesn't stand out in my memory as worse or better than the
   rest of the Suns.

FWIW, i had to replace the fan on a U1 cpu - a pentiumII cpu fan
was exactly what i needed....
