Subject: Re: NetBSD Sparc64 SMP
To: None <>
From: James Cornell <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 02/22/2005 14:16:58
You're quite right Rick.  Great ideas there, might be more important then the SMP.
Stability is probably more of a problem for the most of us, although since most 
Sun machines are heat boxes, I'd really like to have both processors working.  (Electricity
Bill!? ; The heat won't go down, you're essentially paying for a half-ass powerhouse)

Using your Ultra 60 as a desktop is a great idea.  Sun hardware is always more stable
then any Intel, and the performance from even one processor still competes with 
the best x86's.  =)

As for your E450 with 4 Cpus, only one can be used in the current Sparc64 NetBSD
kernel because it lacks working SMP (Broken code ; non-bootable) ; quite a waste,
especially considering that that machine costs an arm and a limb in electricity 
costs per month.  It'd be great to see even just 2 of those 4 processors working,
don't you think?


-----Original Message-----
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
Sent: Feb 22, 2005 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: NetBSD Sparc64 SMP

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Rick Kelly wrote:
> My main webserver,, is now running NetBSD 2.0.1 for about 30
> days, and it ran 2.0rc3 for 160 days prior to that. However, on my first
> attempt to cvs update the src for 2.0.1 it did a "sleep() sleeps forever".

I hear this problem was fixed. It's in -current and probably in the pullup 
queue for 2.1/2.0.1.

  - Hubert

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