Subject: Re: sleep forever bug - not fixed :-(
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: R. Tyler Ballance <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 11/05/2004 15:15:13
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

> Maybe this is heretic, but... what do FreeBSD and OpenBSD?
> Is anyone following their codebase? As far as I understand, they may have=
> valuable additions ...

Funny you mentioned that, I installed FreeBSD 5.3 RC2 on my Ultra 2
yesterday, and it's been working fine, if anybody can think of a good
way of doing some test-loads, my LAN can take the hit (managed router,
the LAN will survive ;))=20

If anybody knows a way I can throw a constant ~10Mbps at the box running
NFS and whatnot, I'd be more than willing to help, of course, I cannot
make any fixes to NetBSD as I have only one sparc64 box ;)

(I still have a sparc and x86 box running NetBSD, no worries)

-R. Tyler Ballance

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