Subject: Re: Shutdown by pressing one key
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 10/10/2004 00:16:53
> The Sun shall act as a server, giving access to the internet for a
> small home network.  It shall _not_ be up 24/7 but only when it's
> needed.  The users of this home network don't know much about
> computers, they can boot a windows pc and use it as a surf station,
> but not more.  They can _not_ login via ssh to shut down the server -
> which would also mean that if they forgot to shut down the server and
> there was no other computer running, they would have to boot again
> another computer, just to shut down the server.  In my eyes this is
> no good solution.

This sounds to me like a perfect situation for burning a custom boot CD
and running with everything there (and, perforce, read-only).

Alternatively, you could just not bother shutting it down and simply
turn it off.  Unless you do stuff like async mounts, FFS is fairly
robust in the face of such things - and it sounds as though it won't be
doing much writing anyway.

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