Subject: Re: Ultra 2 problems
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Perkin <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 07/07/2002 01:02:23
Nope, it's just dying in random places each time.  Example:

sd0: sync (100.0ns offset 15), 16-bit (20.000MB/s) transfers, tagged queueing
iommu_strbuf_flush_done: flush timeout 0x0, at 0x4a03f28
kdb breakpoint at 12cf72c
1 tt=1ff tstate=0 tpc=0x0 tnpc=0x0
Stopped at       0x12cf730:     nop
db> trace
?(2e11d00, 2fe5f00, ff8880a0, 1433000, ffffffffffffe020, 0) at  0x12961b4
?(2e11d00, 2e11500, 0, 20, 2, 12604bc) at  0x1260524
?(2df6800, 10a7abc, 2df3900, 1, e0017de0, 10a77c0) at  0x10a7fe0
?(2df6800, 1258ca8, 1818398, 1818398, 1818398, 1258cc4) at  0x1258cb4
?(2df6800, 0, e0017ed0, 1258c00, 108edf0, 1000000) at  0x108f190
?(0, 0, 131af40, 0, ffffffffffffffff, 1d8ba00) at  0x1009a8c
?(1d88040, 16, 1da4d40, 0, 24f6, fffffffffff8aae6) at  0x108c9e8
?(1d88040, 16, 2002428, 1d8bdc8, 3012000, 0) at  0x11604fc
?(0, 10, 1435730, 0, 0, fffffffffff2019b) at  0x115fc94
?(1435400, 0, 30120cc, 3012000, 0, 30120cc) at  0x12a5ae4
?(0, 20099a0, 6, 0, 0, 4) at  0x12a7774
?(2df2f00, 20099a0, 6, 0, 0, 4) at  0x12a360c
?(2df2f00, 1c4, 0, 108c2d4, 2009a80, 180ac00) at  0x12a49f4
?(0, 6, 0, 0, 1d88040, 108c748) at  0x12a9f4c
?(2e11480, 6, 0, c8, 0, e0000000) at  0x12a9d1c
?(2e11480, 0, 12a9a28, 2710, 1d88400, 180c800) at  0x12a9a88
?(1d8c748, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1357830) at  0x1165200
?(c1c0, 5490, 54a, 1d7a400, fffffffffffffc00, 414) at  0x11646d4
?(1d87400, 180c800, 180c800, 1d8c400, 1351c00, 1d87400) at  0x114ebc4
?(800000, 540, 1000000, fffb1a80, 18, 18) at  0x100a5b0

The time when I got to sysinst bombed out when attempting to partition
the disk, and two of these panics have been just after initialising the

This is the 200207050000 daily snapshot.

Jonathan Perkin - BBC Internet Services -
    Please check email headers for any relevant contact details