Subject: re: 32bit SunOS binaries on sparc64
To: Grant Beattie <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc64
Date: 09/17/2001 15:14:15

    10283 netscape CALL  socket(0x2,0x1,0)
    10283 netscape RET   socket -1 errno 120 Protocol not supported
    10283 netscape CALL  stat(0xcc6580,0xffff891c)
    10283 netscape NAMI  "/emul/svr4_32/dev/udp"
    10283 netscape NAMI  "/emul/svr4_32"
    10283 netscape NAMI  "/emul/svr4_32/dev/udp"
    10283 netscape RET   stat 0
    10283 netscape CALL  socket(0x2,0x1,0)
    10283 netscape RET   socket -1 errno 120 Protocol not supported

hmmm... these failing socket requests translate to

	socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)

on solaris... why is this failing?  i have no idea of hand.
