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Re: space for basic installation - hang


I took the bite and reformatted the root partition with the default parameters... since I have a separate home setup, data loss will be minimal.
Now I don't get out of space messages, but installation just hangs:

  Status: Running
    Command: progress -zf /targetroot/home/install/modules.tgz tar --chroot -xpf

  1% |                                   |   127 KiB    0.03 KiB/s - stalled -
I can leave this with for hours.

It is not frozen, I can hit enter and get a newline, ctrl-c, the command ends, menus get back and I can start again.
I repeat, modules.tgz will stall in the exact same place!

If I skip and pass on to base.tgz, which is surely "bigger". It downloads all and unpacks! Same for all other packages...
 You selected 17 distribution sets.  0 sets couldn't be found and 1 were
 skipped after an error occurred.  Of the 16 that were attempted, 16 unpacked
 without errors and 0 with errors.

strange, isn't it? I'm on serial console, so I suppose if there were some error message I would see it?
After completing the install of everything, except modules... I tried to 
reinstall that single set.
 44% |***************                    |  3135 KiB   12.79 KiB/s - 
stalled -
I retry:

  1% |                                   |   127 KiB    7.93 KiB/s - stalled -
127KB.. as all the first attempts

what is so difficult in it???


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